5 Signs it Might be Time to Hire an In-Home Senior Caregiver


It can be difficult to care for an aging loved one; it is a demanding job – and rarely one can be managed by one person alone. It is important to know that you are not alone, and many struggle with caring to the extent that they would like to. 

As your family member ages, and as the demands on their care increases, it can become quite overwhelming. More often than not, an informal caregiver will feel selfish or worried about hiring outside help to care for the person they love. However, doing so can provide both the carer and their loved one with a better environment to thrive in. 


It can be easy to look at your family member as the independent individual you have always known, this can make it more difficult to see the signs that it may be time to bring on extra help. In this article we will cover some of the signs to look out for when it is time to bring on a professional caregiver.

1. Caregiving has become a full-time job

Caregiving is a demanding job, and when burn out hits, it can lead to stress seeping into all other aspects of life. While taking on the responsibility of caregiving can be very rewarding, it can lead to chronic stress which can take a toll on both the mind and body of the carer. 

Many carers can feel stuck and feel that they are abandoning their loved one, or giving up by taking the time to take care of themselves. However, that is not the case, in fact finding help leads to better health for both the carer and their loved one. Long-term chronic stress can create or worsen already existing health issues, such as diminishing mental well-being and cardiovascular health risks. Research has shown that the diminishing health of a caregiver can be a primary factor in opting for a long-term healthcare facility. 

Hiring an in-home caregiver can provide the peace of mind and time an individual needs to manage responsibilities outside of caregiving duties. While many can feel they are giving up, it takes a lot of courage to share the duties of caregiving, and can be immensely helpful in the long-term progress of those being cared for. 

Are you in need of an in-home caregiver in Utah at a competitive rate? Some of our services at Like Family Personal Care include:

2. Your loved one is experiencing social isolation.

Today, 43 percent of adults aged 60 and up have reported feelings of loneliness. Ongoing feelings of isolation or loneliness have been shown to contribute to the development of dementia, an increase in symptoms or death due to heart problems, and are more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease. This isolation can be a result of losing close friends or family, diminishing mobility, or being homebound, no matter the reason it can take a toll on mental health which can in turn have unwanted effects on physical health. 

An in-home caregiver could be the right choice for providing care and companionship. If you sense your loved one is feeling isolated, it may be time to hire an in-home caregiver. Caregivers can help provide companionship, personal attention, and an opportunity to pursue activities outside of the home. Companionship is vital to reducing stress and promoting a positive outlook for seniors, in-home care can provide the means to do just that.

3. Your loved one can no longer care for themselves or their environment the way they used to. 

When you visit your loved one do they have little to no food, or have several expired items in their fridge? Have they forgotten to bathe and do laundry? These could be signs it is time to hire an in-home caregiver.

When you are caring for a family member and notice that they have fallen behind on tasks that used to be a part of their routine, they may need some extra help with their day-to-day. An in-home caregiver can provide them with the help they need to complete tasks that better their quality of life. A professional caregiver can assist your loved one with tasks such as shopping and housekeeping, as well as provide them with reminders or motivation to complete the tasks. 

4. They are at risk of putting themselves or others in danger. 

If you have noticed your loved one forgetting to turn a burner off on the oven repeatedly, or if somehow there is repeated small damages to their vehicle, it could be time to seek out extra help. 

As your loved one ages, the risks of illnesses that diminish cognitive functions increases dramatically and that risk puts both themselves and others in possible danger. While it could be tough to accept that they are no longer able to do everything they used to, an in-home caregiver could give you peace of mind, while still giving your loved one some independence rather than risk a serious accident. While some in-home caregivers act as a health-aid, others are merely a companion to make sure your loved one is safe at all times, without needing to be in a care facility. 

5. Your loved one is forgetting to take their medications. 

If you visit your loved one and you have noticed an increase in symptoms pertaining to an illness or other ailments, or that they have far more medication than they should, these could be signs that they are not taking their medications regularly. Seventy-five percent of older adults have reported making some sort of error in taking the medications they are prescribed. 

Missing doses of medications can be due to impaired memory or depression and, no matter the cause, this poses a serious risk to their health. These risks can become severe overtime if ignored. An in-home caregiver could be the right choice for you if your loved one does not need consistent medical assistance and would like to maintain their independence within their home. In-home care can provide them with assistance and reminders for taking their medications when they are required, so your loved one can stay healthy and maintain their quality of life.

If you or your loved one are in need of an in-home caregiver, reach out to Like Family Personal Care. We provide caregiving to clients in the state of Utah and would be honored to offer our services to your family.

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